Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I need... atishoo!!

I'm Strong.!!!!

Seriously.. I am!

I'm not claiming to be able to bench 500lbs or Squat another 700.. but I definitely have at least average strength.

AND I'm not particularly skinny either.. as those of you who've seen me in person will gladly attest to.... so I'm definitely not weak!

Ergo.. I am strong.. at least as strong as the average person..

Now I know what most of you are thinking reading this..."Canuck's finally lost his marbles. The wheel's spinning, but the Hamster's dropped off"

Well, no, This isn't exactly a self-congratulatory post....(those are for Sunday Mornings!). And no, this isn't an attempt to call out attention to the fact that I've been knocking out ten extra pushups every other Sunday, either.... (Scrubs reference, anybody?). =)

The reason I'm ranting like this is because I'm wondering why, if I'm at least as averagely healthy as an average healthy male, do I have the immunity of an ant? If I have the physical traits atleast EQUAL to that of the average male... then why the hell do I contract the damn common cold every single time *any* one in my vicinity has a cold.

Its ridiculous!. .. If I walk within 50 feet of someone who's been within 50 feet of a baby, I get a cold.

If I walk with 50 feet of a hospital or a doctor's office.. I get a cold.

If I walk for 50 feet... I get a cold!!

What is up with that!

Most people perform just fine with a cold. They fight wars, battle for championships, takeover companies, invent & discover and go about their merry life just fine.

Me.. with a cold.. Complete Shut Down Mode
Complete Shut Down Mode, with a thick veil of Self-Pity!

that's when I'm usually moaning and groaning about how tough I have it that I have to deal with a nose that reminds tourists of Niagara..
or how that itch in my throat prevents my splendid baritone from reaching my Roommate when I'm showering..

ah showering.. another casualty of this war against the Cold.

But as I deal with this quite routine catastrophe in the life of the Canuck Engineer, I've come to terms with my bouts of nasal leakage & throatal grunts that could only remind people of harsh animal abuse worthy of SPCA intervention( well, either that, or intense bestiality, whatever floats your boat!!)

But the worst is that along with losing my social couth, when I'm not wiping the snot out of... well.. my snot, I also lose whatever semblance of humor I have left after grinding out those days in Engineering Labs. Ya, check this out.. This was gonna be my hook for this blog today:

"Not only am I strong.. I am also fast.... why you ask? Cuz I can Catch a cold"!!

Yes, exactly.. so why don't you just slap my ass, and call me Alexander Phlegming, I'm outta here!

PS: on second thoughts, no ass slaps please. Not that there's anything wrong with it ;)

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