Wednesday, March 5, 2008

American Pimp

Last Saturday, I went out again, after solemnly vowing the night before to have no more wildness, considering the toll Thu & Fri night had taken on my oh so aging body!

But a few ounces of ethanol later, I didn't quite mind the lineup at the club.. and when we didnt' have to pay cover, I definitely was ok with that too.

a couple more drinks were guzzled. visited all the rooms & levels of said club, and then I took my friend, who was visiting from out of town, to the bar. "aite, bro.. whatchu want?"

"whatever you're getting"

so I try to get to the bar, trying to catch they eye of the bartender. Fat chance, considering everyone around the bar had X chromosomes only.

"Kettle one with RedBull"...

I turned to my side, to stare at the person who would drink mix one of the finer vodka's with caffeineted grape juice and pay upwards of 30 bucks for it.

"What kinda order is that?", i yelled out, annoyed at the waste of some good Goose/One.

As I said, I was still turning my head, and as it turns out, the voice belonged to a rather attractive lady. Of course, if I wasn't as inebriated, I would have ordinarly not said a word.. but I was.... thanks to the ethanol mentioned above..

"i like my redbull and i like good vodka" says chica.

Now of course, what I meant to say in my head was
"oh yea.. they could pour you a well drink, you'd never know the difference!"

However, thanks to a gmail chat with one of my boys earlier in the day, what ended up coming out of my mouth was:

"Girl, you're looking qualified to be satisfied!"

And I said that with all the confidence of an American Pimp! (see part8 of the movie)

and as I said that, i took my ChupaChup out of my mouth and walked away..sporting the biggest grin on my face you'd ever see.

yes, ChupaChup... Yes, Alpha...for one evening atleast :D


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