Saturday, May 24, 2008

Take me to the Ball Game

Overheard at a club this past weekend from a member of the fairer sex:

"3rd base is the best part. Home Runs ...and then its all over...but 3rd base. There is always some suspense left!"

Most men would smile at that comment.. unfortunately this comment was made while watching some SportCenter highlights of the Yankees.

Then again, this comment could just as well have come NOT watching a baseball game.

Also overheard at a club a few weekends ago:

"how young is too young?"
"Hey, if there's grass on the field, play ball!"

Sigh, what has this blog come to!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Save the Earth!

May 12th, 2007

"Are you gonna bike to work this Friday, Canuck? Its Bike-to-Work day"

"Of course!" I responded, absent mindedly.

"Really? I didn't take you to be the physically active kind"

"Neither does my health insurance agent!"

"Seriously, if you're gonna bike on Friday, register on this website".

Not willing to back down from a self-imposed challenge.."Sure, I'll do it right now, in front of you. Any thing to Save the Earth", as I signed up at (or some variant of that)

May 16, 2007

I got home around 10pm from work.. (yes, I like to work a full 8hr shift on Thursdays!), all gung-ho to ride my bike in anticipation of Saving the Earth. I figured I'd go for a 5mile bike ride.

Note that I hadn't ridden a bike in about 15 years, so I wasn't sure where I stood in the biking ability. I had just bought a bike helmet, so I decided to bust that out.

The bike helmet is the most complicated headgear I ever wore.. and I actually had to put on a turban for an event! Honestly, the helmet seemed to fit both ways.. (pun not intended, DBs, bite your tongues). I couldn't figure out which way was the right one.. 5 minutes and 2 pages from the Power of Google, later, I knew which way Front was. As I looked at my helmet, I saw the "Front" sign right in the middle of the inside.

Regardless, helmet on, I broke out the bike from its cobwebs, only to find both tires completely out of air. With an inspiration of genius, I placed the bike in the backseat of my car, thanking myself for buying a soft-top vehicle..and then whizzed away to the gas station.

Only to find that the gas station air-valves were not compatible with mountain-bike valves. Score!

I called my buddy who inspired this entire ordeal, and he volunteered his air-pump's services.. Caveat, his place was about 9 miles away. I went and got my tires filled up.

May 17th

I woke up early morning at 7am, all set to bike to work the entire 5 miles. and then I decided to sleep in for a few minutes, "cuz I'm worth it".

The alarm jolted me out of bed at 10 am.. So much for the early breakfast. I showered in record time and sun-screened my entire body.. packed my office wear in the backpack I had acquired the night before from DB#3's sister-in-law. It was the only backpack available, even though it had a huge 'Hello Kitty' sign on it.... in Pink..

I was man enough.. I was gonna Bike to Work!

I got on the bike and bike about 2 miles in, when I heard this hissing sound..

Uh oh.. it was my front tire, doing most snakes proud! it was losing air, and there was nothing I could do about it. So now i'm halfway between work and home.. with a useless bike on my hands.

I decided to walk all the way back with the bike! One hour, and a sweaty t-shirt, later, I got in my car and reached work.

Typical 1 day mileage of Canuck Engineer; 5m to work + 5m back = 10m
Save the Earth Mileage for Canuck Engineer: 2m to Gas Station + 9m to friend + 9m back + 5m to work + 5m back = 30m.

Hey I tried Saving the Earth...Instead I pulled a

-Canuck Engineer!

What's in a Title?

So I decided to replenish my stock of business cards last week.

I've been going to a few events over the past few months that have kinda sorta required the use of a business card. not as much for contact information, as much for legitimacy...

or at least that's what I think!

So I decided to go ahead and order some business cards, with my work assigned title..

something to the effect of

Name: "The Canuck Engineer"
Title: "Engineer, Canuck"

With that I submitted the order, expecting a set of 500 cards to be in my mailbox sometime later this month.

That very night I get an email from my manager.. and I quote...

"Canuck, can you please change your title? As it stands on your proposed business card, it is too boring"

Now I have been prone to some fiction and some exaggeration in the history of this blog.. the above has no word of a lie.. I quote, verbatim!

So I got around to thinking of what my title at work should be. Should title reflect self-grandeur... or should title reflect exactly what you do?

If the latter, how would "Guy who gets stuff done, including feeding the printer paper" sound?

If I wanted some more credibility, I could go for "Implementation Engineer". That sounds respekkable, dunnit?

In Ali G's words... "There is so little Respek left in the world, if you look it up in the dictionary, its not even there!"

But then I realized, no one's gonna audit my business card.. So if I wanted to put in some name to stroke my own ego, I could totally do that.

Visions of "Supreme Commander" crept in my head. I brushed them aside only to find myself drooling at the thought of Steve Job's title.. "Chief Know-it-all".

Then I wondered if I could reflect my web surfing obsession respectably... "Cybrarian" comes to mind..

Of course, if I owned my own company, I would go with.. "Master of Time & Space".. that would show them all :)

In the end (not the Linkin Park song!), My modesty took over, and I decided to go with a humble title that described me to the fullest...My business cards will arrive next week.. like so..:

Name: "Canuck Engineer"
Title: "Fucktastic"

Oh wait, I got tenure...

Name: "Canuck Engineer"
Title: "Fucktastic, Chief"

Call me :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

HR Slogan that never made the Cut

"Youthanize Enron. Hire an Intern this summer!"

The Sexist Post

What was that old rhyme that girls would be singing when we grew up.. something like.."Girls go to college to gain some Knowledge.... Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider"

Well, other than the redundant more in the sentence, I can kinda see where those girls were coming from.. (Venus, obviously.. they would have to be aliens, considering how complex they are to figure out!)

So..Historically, why have men married women younger than them?
Its cause Men are like Government bonds.. they take forever to mature!

Which is why its been recommended that men marry women who're slightly younger than them. It helps with the fact that typically men are slightly immature for their age, while women tend to grow up a tad faster.

It also works out with the life expectancies, since women typically average a few more years than men.. Marrying men older than them helps minimize the number of Golden Years they spend alone.

Its ironic that women have always been asking for equal rights, when they've been blessed with the biggest inequality of all.. lifespan. then again, it is interesting that the number one thing women look for in a man is a sense of security....

So go ahead and keep 'em warm and cosy... and while you're at it, open the doors, pull out the chairs...and damn right, you're gonna be splitting the chores ...but don't for a moment forget.. anything you can do.. they can do better.

Oh yea.. how about doing some yard work for a change..
and how about doing it with the shirt off ;)

How bout this gem I recently overheard:

Men are like Wine.. they grow fine with age.
Women are like.. Milk... .....

ah, Never mind :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Buoyancy of Citrus

"I went waterskiing* last weekend"
"Score.. "Do you know how to swim?"
"Nah man"
"Wow, that's ballsy. did you have a lifejacket on?"
"I had one, but it dint' fit. But not to worry, I had a lime"
"A lime?"
"Yea, last time I had a Jack & Coke, it had a lime in it."
"Well, I saw the lime float. So I figured the next time I'm on a boat, and it capsizes, I'd reach for a lime"
"People saw me water-skiing without a lifejacket and they said what the hell, and I pulled out a lime.... and a lemon.."

Saved by the buoyancy of citrus!

Disclaimer: The above story may have some mild exaggerations of truth....for large values of mild.

I WAS on a speedboat last weekend.. and I did wear my newly acquired swim trunks, that closely resemble Beyonce's hotpants.. which is a story that I won't get into for the betterment of society in general.... and the lifejacket didn't fit... but fortunately elasticity is a brilliant property of lifepreservers.. and No, I did Not have any lime on me, but I just couldn't pass up a Mitch Hedberg bit like so :)

The Durrrty South!

What's the price of a shoe?

Most of the men would probably say.. less than a Hundy! unless they're those Air Jordan's at the peak of their popularity.. in which case 2 Benjamin's was about right, and in which case you about 15 years too late to the party!

Well in Louisiana apparently, the price of a shoe is much higher than that.

Louisiana? What the hell was I doing there? that's exactly the question I've been pondering too.. suffice to say, I took the wrong flight there..and then decided to make the most of it :)

Indian Wedding.. The Dirrty South....2 Groomsmen, including yours truly, protecting the grooms shoes. 4 Bridesmaids, conniving their evil plans to steal those very shoes.

SHOES! Stealing Shoes! USED & WORN shoes!
Would a shoe by any other name not smell like a shoe? Call 'em florsheims or call 'em Jooties...They still wreak!

What kinda state is this? The DB's had been right to warn me of the Sooouthh!

"Give us those shoes.. Its a custom, We sell these shoes back to the groom. This is our payday", yelled the Brides "sisters".

"Sorry ladies, you're gonna have to go through me first", proudly proclaimed CanuckEngineer, in his latest avatar as Chief Protector of the Groom's Kicks.

That's right.. Every Dog has his Day.. today was gonna be mine!

As I sat watching the bride & groom exchanging their vows, my little pinky attached to the bag holding the precious cargo, I heard a rustle...and then some bustle.. and before I knew it, it was a 3on1 on the CanuckEngineer.... (and no, not the kind of 3-on-1 most men dream of), resulting in me left holding the bag, literally, sans the bullion!

So much for Chief Protector, eh, The only silver lining being the buffet outside. I walk towards said silver lining, only to find my shoes missing, cleverly hidden by the "dark side" as insurance!

As I ponder the very existence of my shoes, calusses occuring on my barefeet, I get hauled up by the groom's aunts... "Where the shoes at?". Shrug of the shoulder, as I point to my bare feet.. and I get a "WHAHHHAT? You lost the groom's shoes to those GIRLS?.. wait.. whatt.. you lost YOUR shoes tooo? What good are you?"

ok ok.. i get the point.. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200!

"HOW COULD YOU? You gave the shoes away? Whats the groom gonna walk in? you couldn't hold your own against GIRLS half your age and a quarter your size?"

ok.. first of all.. two-thirds my age!! you know what...never mind! I'd lost my battle, lost my pride.. and also lost my shoes...the only thing worse would be if I lost my appetite!

sigh.. so much for being the Big Dog!

Sometimes you're the dog.. Sometimes you're the Fire Hydrant..

Today.. I wasn't the Dog!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Britain's got talent!

"Runs" to the hills!

Over a month with no updates, you say the CanuckEngineer's been slacking, I say he's been Snacking.

You see, part of the reason for this lull in blogativity was that the CanuckEngineer had been travelling. I was in India for slightly over two weeks, where I'd gone to attend the wedding of one of my closest cousins.

It was a fantastic trip, not the least of which was the immaculately conducted wedding. Some of the bonuses of the trip included touring the various sites & sounds of New Delhi & gorging on some of the best tasting food I've ever had in my life. When I wasn't marvelling at how an entire city can run with such precision under what would look to the untrained eye as pure chaos and anarchy, I was hanging out with my cousins who were no longer as little as I remembered them... and when I wasn't busy with them, I was indulging myself in the 2nd Deadly Sin - Gluttony.

But it wasn't all fun and mowing down the chow! The first week in there I took ill. Not sick as much as got the stomach bug, and to describe my predicament as "the runs" is a slight to marathoners around the world. The travel bug often causes people to not be able to hold any food.... I couldn't hold water!!! After 2 days of visiting the restroom, every hour on the hour, I was probably threatening the holder of the record for visiting the most number of bathrooms in New Delhi in a 48 hour span.

As proud I was of my latest achievement, I was still miserable, especially since I was missing all the great wedding food thanks to my predicament. I happened to visit one of my folks's friends' folks, who I affectionately call Uncle & Aunty, who lived close to the place of the wedding. I spent the first 40 minutes explaining why I couldn't have any of their thoughtfully provided salty mixes, thanks to my digestive system that now resembled the sewage systems in Hiroshima shortly after Little Boy in '45.

"Uncle" then made me an offer I couldn't refuse..."You can either continue to suffer in this way, or pop a couple of pills that I prescribe and get some relief". well, if he's prescribing pills, he's probably a doctor.. Would his degree be recognized in the States?...As I pondered these thoughts, put forth in front of me were two strips of pills and a glass of water. I'd heard a lot about narcotics in India, but I doubted that they'd use this family as peddlers. Even so, I was going to risk it, if the reward was relief from the spasms my stomach was going through. Besides, that might give me some blog material. Unfortunately, they were legit pills. Darnit!

I'm not trying to be pretentious, but after this incident, I'm pretty sure I can relate to childbirth. what with the water breaking and the contractions, I'm a bonafide midwife already!

anyways, I popped those pills, and hoped for the best. obviously it wasn't going to be an instantaneous cure, so I promptly christened their restroom as well. and then began the "thank you & Good bye" process, during which I gladly visited their other bathroom as well, and then finally took off to get dressed for the Reception in the evening.

Maybe it was the low expectations, maybe I was just delusional, but I was stunned when by the time of the Reception, my stomach stopped hurting, and I didn't even get a chance to visit the coveted restrooms at this resort that was hosting the reception. thankfully, I could now enjoy what was left of the Wedding in India experience.

The next day, I called up my folks.."Dad, you wouldn't believe Uncle's skills. He provided me these pills and voila, I was kicking it in no time."

My dad paused.."Uncle, as in Rosy's dad?"

"What a doctor, Dad.. Knows his stuff!".

I overheard a chuckle..and a smile... as I heard my Dad say.."Uncle!.. He's a vet!"