Saturday, March 22, 2008


"Show me around!"
yes ma'am
"Buy me dinner"
Of course dear
"Hold my purse"
sure, cutie!
"Walk beside me"
si senorita
"Do I look hot"
you always do

everyone's met this person before.. She is the spoilt kid, who had never heard the word "no" in her life. Typically blessed with good looks, said person usually has an entourage of "yes men" who hover round, always ready to please, and compliment, each one of them hoping for that one moment when she may smile at them or even better, fall for them.

Unfortunately these chumps almost always get heartbroken, as they watch theirBetty Paige get hit on by random guy after another. Sometimes SpoiltKid may say "Sorry, I got a boyfriend", at which point every Y chromosome in the entourage perks up, hoping she referred to him. In her mind of course, 'boyfriend' is just a placeholder to stave off the wrong kind of attention... rather attention from the wrong kinda male. As the men in the circle stand up tall, chest outs now that they have a thimble of hope, they start buying Her drinks, complimenting her again..and try to get within that 2 foot physical barrier that She seems to hold. Thinks are moving, things are progressing.. and then.. once again, random bloke picks her up and steals her from right in front of their eyes. HeartBreak Hotel, now ready for check-in!

Usually most adults are moulded in their formative years. the spoilt ones turn into the above. The deprived ones,, well, you can catch them on Cops, Jerry Spring, Maury... and sometimes all of them :). The Canuck Engineer was never deprived.. nor spoiled.. usually got most things he needed.. the one thing he never did get was a Nintendo, when all the kids had one. For some reason, I never got that goddamned console, and i was also playing at my friends house. Finally, when my folks decided to buy me, at the ripe old age of 12, all the cool kids were playing Sega, and once again, I was an outcaste!

Could that help explain how I turned out? Could a damn 8-bit console be the cause why the CanuckEngineer is how he is.....? Hmm.. this could be good material for my Wednesday 8pm'er. Recent sessions had been kinda dull! Now its time for some "Wii-habilitation" :)

Don't forget, Kids.. Stay in School, don't do drugs.. and Get the latest VideoGame out there...
you will thank yourself during your mid-age crisis!

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