Friday, August 24, 2007

Of Murphy & Hypocrates!

"and God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

....and then Murphy said, let that light be a train coming in your direction!

Its how I've felt lately. Every victory has been the beginning of a big fall. Light at the end of every tunnel has been a Bullet train rushing back. Its just been busy... work and outside of that.

Which is why I'm updating this blog at 4 in the AM. No, I'm not a serial killer.. I don't know why people equate that with staying up late. and no, I'm not intoxicated... well, maybe a smidgeon.. but whats a few pints between friends.. and bloggers :)

so did you hear the one about the two antennas? yeah, the wedding was alright, but the reception was fantastic..... !!!!!!!

Thank you.. great show tonight! Tonight's topic is hypocrisy.

So, Facebook is at an all time popularity high.. I'm on it.
Orkut seems quite popular too.. I'm on it
Hi5, the original... reasonably popular.. most of my friends are on it
Friendster.. the original facebook... most of my friends are on it.

all these tools to keep in touch with all our "friends" and "classmates" & "colleagues". and we do a damned good job of hanging out online.. .yet, most of the contact online tends to be with people who you end up seeing on a weekly basis anyway..

So, in this wireless world without borders... we know our "friends" across multiple continents, but how many of us know our neighbours?

don't look at me.. I know mine.. they contacted me last week, at 2am, when we were causing too much ruckus at my place. So, Hypocrates, don't look at me... I'm not who you're looking for... hey....I'm just The Canuck Engineer

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