Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Las Vegas, New Jersey!

I check my mail.

ooh look at that.. an evite

"the debacheloring of Canuck's Friend"..

hmm.. a bachelor party.. sweet..
Wouldn't mind a trip to vegas.. its been a while.
not that I haven't been on trips lately..
but seems to be pretty damn swamped around these parts recently..
and the next couple of months don't promise much respite..

So this might be just what the doctor ordered in November.

well, lets be clear.. a weekend in vegas is quite possibly exactly the opposite of what doctors might order.. whether it be in November, or march.. or any other month..

but this is my buddy whose bachelor party has been a long time coming...
and the Canuck has never needed much of an excuse to head to vegas!
(bank accounts and credit card statements not withstanding!)

I tell my buddy, Mo.. who's got a few decades on me..
but might even be younger than me at heart.
"hey mo.. you going to Sam's BP?
OH hells yeah i am!
Mo continues.."y'know, i get invited to a ton of bachelor parties"..
..and then pauses, not sure if for effect. or if he's just lost his train of thought..
"... but i never get invited to the weddings".

I let out a mind-chuckle.... where I laugh out loud in my mind but say nothing..
and happens to be quite the opposite of keeping a poker face.. but saying "L O L".
which happens to be a peeve of mine.. one I share with the great Sir Larry David!

Mo muses... "not sure if the weddings get cancelled after the wild times we have at the BP.."
... "or cause I'm just persona-non-grata after what goes on in those times"

Oh.. well, we're going to Vegas.. and I'm getting excited for this.

I don't know if I always used to feel this way.. or if the excitement is mostly due to watching "The Hangover"... but I'm excited..

I continue reading the evite...
"So let us know if you're in for a round of Golf.. and after that we'll head to the Taj".

The TAJ? I didn't know there was a Taj in Vegas.. is this a new casino? a club?

I read the evite again..
"Atlantic City".


You want me to go NEW JERSEY for a party?
the sewage dump of the world... For a party?
are you effin kidding me??

I send out an email expressing my displeasure in no diplomatic terms to the Best man.

within minutes I get a response..

"I know how much we all wanted to go to vegas bro.. but a lot of the people are already in NYC, and so we figured AC was the obvious location.. . besides its pretty much the same thing"

Same thinG?

Are you kidding me?

you're saying atlantic city is the same thing as vegas?

If it was the same thing, it wouldn't be called Atlantic City..
It would be called "LAs Vegas"!!!

the same thing?
no its the not the same thing.

A donut without a hole is not a donut!
its a danish.

and i'll be damned if I got to a Danish bachelor party!!

oh wait.. Danish?? ie Denmark? i.e scandinavia?


Well, I wouldn't so much mind a Danish Party..
but it better be in vegas!!

And if I'm gonna go to Atlantic City..
Its gonna be under protest
and I will not participate in any of the adventures of the weekend.

Unless, they change it to Vegas.

Vegas Baby

-The Canuck "rainman" Engineer

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