Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bells and whistles

Remember when the summer vacation would end.. and you'd dread the first day of school..
and you'd make every possible excuse to avoid going to class.
and convince yourself you were too sick to go to school...
so much so that you'd feign sickness until you actually fell sick..
and contracted a light fever..
or a cold.. or a cough..
really just anything to extend the vacation by one more day?

Some things never really change..
You plan to go to bed on time the night before..
and yet fail miserably to do that..
and then ignore your cell phone alarm till the battery dies.
and try to catch those precious few minutes of shut eye..

But try as you might.. you'd always wake up to a phone call..
that reminded you to wake up..
cuz its time to get up!
But then that phone never does ring
and you never get that wake up call.
and you sleep in that extra 10 minutes
and then look at the clock..
and realize you no longer have time to "prep" for class..
and so you tuck yourself in the covers even deeper
delaying the inevitable..

and then your alarm clock starts beeping...
and then starts chirping...
and then you detect a sound on your night stand..
followed by a thud..
all the while accompanied by the loudest beeping you've ever heard..
and you wave your arms frnatically...
reaching for your alarm clock on your nightstand..
hoping agianst hope for it to shut up..
but it doesnt..
cuz now the sound emanates from outside your room..
and it just won't stop..
and then you finally get out of bed in a huff..
and chase down your damn alarm clock into hte living room..
as it tries its best to evade you..
and you finally pick it up and shut it down..

but by then you're out of bed..
and you're up
and you see the time..
and you realize.. ITS TIME...
and then you just accept that you're now up to start your coveted (dreaded) Saturday morning.
and then you groom yourself...
from a scrub into a presentable student ready to get his learn on..
and frantically leave the house.. to get to your car..

and as you're about to lock your door...
you look back in..
and see the alarm clock now on the living room counter..
and let out a wry smile..

Thank you Clocky.... you done did it again

-The Canuck Engineer

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