snail mail.. that's right.. the kind the mailman delivers... yep.. in your mailbox.. no not inbox.. Mailbox..
I always looked forward to getting the mail. I would go visit our mailbox multiple times a day.
We never had one of those mailboxes where you put the flag up when you received mail.
One summer, I even put up a fake "flag" on our brick&mortal column mail-slot..
confused all of our neighbors..
and our mailman..
and the Republicans.
Back then, the mail I would get would be "Free Birthday" invitations to restaurants...
or "Free Juniors Ice Cream Night" vouchers.
That was exciting.
Then when I was applying to college.. I'd wait for the admits in the mail...
There was no email updates then.. it was all mail... all excitement!I
I never realized the difference in excitement between small envelopes and large envelopes back then.
In fact, it wasn't until recently that it was even brought to my attention.
Big Envelopes:: Welcome... To American Express... to Delta Airlines.. to Mushi Sushi House.. All good news
Small Envelopes: Bills... rent increases.. Late fee.... Changes to Rules...Eviction Notice.. Parking tickets.. DMV renewalss.. Credit Card Declines... Sigh...
and then there's those medium-sized Envelopes.
and I get a fair number of those.
Sometimes from the Veterans' services.. sometimes from Research Hospitals.. other times from Non-profits..
Sometimes those envelopes are thicker than usual...
and I get a notepad..
or a bunch of address stickers..
or fridge magnets..
always accompanied by a note:
"Can we count on your support?"
...The marketing that made the JockStrap industry go "nuts"
...What my back looks forward to when I sit in my friends Beemer!
...What my belt does to my pants....and what the belt loops do to my belt :)
It could mean so many things..
It could mean a particular thing..
It could mean cheering on the troops as they defend the nation..
It could mean getting kicked out of the ballpark as you cheer on your sports team :)
It could just mean a pat on your nephew's back as he gets on a bike for the first time..
It could just mean offering no judgement when your friend finally comes out.
It could mean driving a hundred miles to watch them perform..
It could mean being vehement in their defense..
it could mean being vociferous in your enthusiasm..
It could mean offering your ear.. and letting them vent..
It could just mean answering the phone.. whenever it rings..
really what it means...
If they had to lean on you... would you lend your shoulder?
or it could just be the latest ad gimmick for Victoria's Secret Fall Collection!
The Canuck "WonderSupport" Engineer
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