Friday, March 11, 2011

Remember the time?

Remember the times back in Canuck Collegiate Institute?

Remember all those times we walked to school on top of multiple feet of snow, clad in our parkas, rocking our thermal mitts but too cool to wear a "toque", cuz covering your head wasn't manly! Remember all those subsequent bouts of pneumonia we all suffered through?

Remember that time that OleN decided to fore-go gloves, and hid his hands in his parka, only to get his face intimately acquainted with the slippery ice road!

Remember when the VP of attendance caught us skipping class, and decided to chase us around on a bicycle.. and then fell.... and then we went to check up on him to see if he was seriously injured, only to get detention for the entire week after that!

Remember when we decided in all our ingenuity, to celebrate a friends 18th birthday by drinking Hard Lemonade .. that too, of all places, in the bleachers on the football field... remember the sinking feeling we got when we saw police lights heading towards us through the football field, and the visions of being behind bars that fleeted through our thoughts? Remember how cool we thought it was that we were rocking Mike's Hard Lemonade!!

Remember how we sawed off a tree to make a nice seating area for us behind the baseball field... the area forever entrenched in our memory as the Log of Wood... why did we feel the need to describe what the log was made of?

Remember the time when you had a massive crush on the young English Teacher.. and how devastated you were when you found out that on the last day of class, which you skipped, she gave out hugs to her first ever class....and remember the expression on her face when you went to the staff room to demand your hug, after all!

Remember when you realized that taking the bus 40 minutes after the one you usually took would get you to class only 5 minutes late, thus justifying an extra 30 minutes of snoozing? Remember how brilliant that decision felt when you were barred from all your classes for 30 consecutive "Lates"?

Remember how proud you were of the group purchase of the $500 Crown Victoria, in which every part made a louder sound than the horn ? How did that feel when the cops showed up to claim their "stolen"car back :)

Remember how proud you were that a Hollywood Film was being shot at your school many years after you graduated? Remember how bummed you were that it turned out to be "Mean Girls"

Remember the times you used to go to the library to "study", but only during the times the cute exchange student had a spare?

Also remember how crushed you were when you bid $10 for Hug and Kiss from that exchange student, only to find out she was doling out Hershey's Candy?

sigh... I love meeting up with high school friends, to reminisce back to the Time of Our Lives!

The "Greenday" Canuck Engineer

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