Sunday, March 15, 2009


Every weekend I plan to be productive and do my taxes and run my errands. Every weekend, I end up going out and staying up really late and then sleeping in and not doing anything that I had planned. And then every sunday I vow to not let that happen again.

Its Sunday Night. Next weekend will be different.

That expectation of change. I wonder if that's human nature.. or more specifically male nature. Everytime I hear from my recently married friends, they're always a bit surprised at how radically their lives have changed. Girls are no different either

actually there is a difference. and its something that I've noticed in all my years of wisdom.. I had been thinking about it.. and I read it somewhere, and I couldn't have said it better in my own words.

Men marry women, hoping the women will never change. But they do!
Women marry men, hoping the men will change. But they never do!

Change! Seems to be the topical word this past year or so. Never before was change considered this cool.. .Not even at the Hobo Conventions..

But now we're in it..."Change We can believe in"!

A man's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another drink!

-W. CanuckEngineer Fields

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