Friday, August 24, 2007

A Pack of Smokes!

"So your blog is nice, but its so long" says the lady..

"take away the first part..and you got what she said"..say I, with a mischevious glance.

Boys will be boys.. even when they turn well beyond middle aged. Me... I'll always have the kid in me........ "that's what R Kelly said"... oh no!!!!

"So why is that you haven't updated it in the longest time", again the lady enquired.

This is like an FBI interrogation..except that instead of a big black guy wearing latex gloves, I have a young lady in my car asking me these questions. We're on our way to grab some sustenance... by that I mean, I'm going to grab some food, she's going to essentially watch, and my friends in the other car will do something in the middle...

Not really sure on how to answer that question. It isn't the first time since March that I've been asked that. Different variants of that have made it through by email, text and phone calls. An example has been "yo, your blogs pretty funny.. too bad it was just a one time thing".

NO! it wasn't.. its supposed to be an ongoing thing, except that i've let life's other vices get to me. Was it the extremely busy schedule at work that involved me working wee hours into the morning, including a dubious all-nighter? Check. Was it the co-ordination of an event on stage that was in shambles until the last minute, when we collectively managed to rescue it? Check. Or was it just that somewhere along the line, I just lost the motivation to write down my thoughts, and subject my acquaintances to my miseries? Bingo .. we have a winner!

"I don't know.. I guess I've just been busy" I half-truthed...."But I hope to start updating it again, now that you've brought it up"

"Yea, maybe you should.. Even since Law & Order, SVU cancelled its latest season, primetime TV just doesnt' cut it." said the girl.. I'm gonna refer to her as Smokes. No, she isn't a chain smoker, or a fire-swallower. Lets just say that SVU as a show rocks, and Smokes fits the description for reasons obvious to people in the know. I will never know :)

" Well, I write when I'm inspired.. which I suppose is when you dance"

"Umm .. I dance when I feel like.. not when you're inspired"

Sigh... suppose a stupid question.. suppose a smart ass answer

Smokes continues...."I have siblings who are way older than me. So I grew up in my own world, hanging out by myself, where I was the queen and the princess.. .the duckling and the swan....dancing in my own land, for myself.. and for my man.... my knight in shining armor"..

What would M. Night Shyamalan say?...... nope too cheesy.

Now, I can see DB#2 getting excited at the prospect if dancing for a man, sorry bud, it ain't quite like that. Smokes is clearly one of the most talented artists I've met, and she gave me a clue to where here talent came from.

"Well, I hope you continue the art... I know a lot of us contemplated a light when we saw that dance.... and we're all non-smokers"

"Aww shucks"... Smokes turned red-faced

There you have it though.... some of us work for ourselves..some for The Man....I guess some of us dance for ourselves...some for Some man....

In the world of analogies in the sea, it's interesting how we see a boat.. a mechanism for going from where you are to where you want to be... . Some see it as a rescue device for where you're drowning. Others treat is a vacation device, for when you're just surfing :) . Some think the boat is calling, other's wonder if they missed the boat altogether...Me... I can't sink nor swim... why do I need a boat.. I'm just the blogger.. I'm just The Canuck Engineer

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